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Career Services Resources

Professional Organizations

College Student Educators International Commission for Career Services 

The mission of The Commission for Career Services is to examine, address, and impact the changing and diverse role of career services in higher education within the student development framework. This mission is achieved through:

  1. Recruitment, retention, and mentoring of dynamic career educators

  2. Knowledge and scholarship to enhance the field of career services

  3. Engagement through supportive on-line and in-person communities and networks of career services educators


The Commission for Career Services provides:

  1. Resources for both professionals and students including career searching resources, interview questions, and professional development opportunities

  2. Awards to honor individuals who have:

    1. Displayed exemplary service and commitment of time and energy to both the Commission for Career Services and the profession

    2. Initiated and developed an innovative program, service delivery, approach, or assessment in career services

    3. Demonstrated strong leadership potential and contributions to the career services profession and/or to the ACPA Commission for Career Services

  3. Blog posts

  4. Events such as conventions, webinars, and others

Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education Student Career Development Knowledge Community


The Student Career Development Knowledge Community is a community wherein Student Affairs professionals can develop best practices for supporting the career development of students at colleges and universities.


Its mission is to support the growing need to connect the student affairs profession and practices with the career development outcomes of undergraduate students.  Through sharing best practices and fostering cross-functional collaboration around career development, this knowledge community (KC) plays an important role in ensuring that student affairs practitioners, in all functional areas, and at all levels, are intentionally helping their students connect co-curricular experiences with career exploration and planning. This KC is a resource for developing and sharing best practices in the area of career development.


The Student Career Development Knowledge Community realizes its mission by:

  1. Engaging professionals to enhance the national conversation around career exploration and preparation

  2. Drawing staff members from all functional areas of student affairs to promote cross-functional collaboration in developing best practices

  3. Providing professional competency resources

National Association of Colleges and Employers


NACE’s mission is to lead professionals focused on the employment of the college educated by providing access to relevant knowledge, resources, insight, and relationships.


It realizes its mission by:

  1. Advancing knowledge pertaining to the employment of the college educated by developing and delivering timely information, resources, and professional development programs

  2. Providing opportunities for individuals and organizations to create and foster relationships for sharing ideas, benchmarking, and developing professional networks

  3. Being the leading voice and authority related to the career development, recruitment, and hiring of the college educated


In addition, NACE provides resources and research on:

  1. Networking and professional development opportunities

  2. Standards

  3. Ethics

  4. Advocacy

  5. Guidance on key issues

  6. Hiring

  7. Trends in the job market

  8. Starting salaries

  9. Recruiting and hiring practices

  10. Student attitudes and outcomes

  11. Best practices and benchmarks


Of the above organizations, NACE is the only one that includes considerations for access, diversity, and equity in career services. These considerations are outlined on page 33 of the NACE Professional Standards for College and University Career Services

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