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Career services practitioners should engage with faculty, parents, alumni, and employers to build a network of “influencers”.


Career Services Design

Program Design


How can we transform the current model of services?

Career services practitioners– along with faculty and administrators – should work together to reach out to all students, from Day One (currently, students often wait until their senior year to think about how they’re going to get a job). 



In addition to counseling and advising services, the focus of career services should be on employer and alumni relations, personal development, and professional development.
Career services mission should align directly with the institution’s in which they provide both personal and career development to build lifetime employability.


Career services should be seen as a crucial unit of the college and housed accordingly -- under a major administrator.


Career services practitioners should gather and report personal and career development outcome data, which they could then publicize to all stakeholders to make a case supporting the value of higher education and the liberal arts. 



Career services should strive to attract and hire staff members who represent the demographics of their students.



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